06 October 2008


Ay-yi-yi, I have been so super sick for the past few days.

Internet friends, please help me:
1. feel better
2. figure out how to make a sidebar for my flickr pixxx on this here blog
3. secure a work visa to Italy
4. find homes for everything in my etsy shop

I kind of feel like I'm talking to myself. Is anyone out there?


ediot said...

i know how you feel- with the sickness- being sick sucks!
hope you get well fast. by the way-. youre designs are divine- youre so talented. i really like some of these things so much id like to buy.

wish you a great week.take care

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I can't help you. But I like your blog, perhaps that'll help? Wanna trade links?

andrea said...

Grazie mille to both of you, and sure thing, Miss bhh! :D

ooohmaureen said...

very cool pic. x

SWANclothing said...

i love your blog and yoru sewing area!