I'm going to Vegas for my best friend's wedding (wah-wahhh); it's both Stefano's and my first time there! I'm tryna make a bunch of ridiculous outfits to wear; my first project is a mustard mohair handknitted sweaterdress!
I'm using my trusty size 19 circulars and following a loose idea based on top-down raglan construction. I also knit in a bunch of deliberate "ladders" to unravel later so hopefully I can get the bubble silhouette I'm imagining?? We'll see. I'm knitting it super fast without trying it on, and the yarn is insanely crinkly from its previous life as an ugly sweater. I think (hope) it will blossom like a beautiful swan after blocking!
The first ladder/rip thing!
Does anyone have any advice for Vegas?

Does anyone have any advice for Vegas?
coooool! Ah I went thrifting today in Brooklyn and found a knitted turbin hat like yours... but it's oatmeal color!
and i am knitting. you would be so proud of me! hah
so, i think you should go see Elton John in vegas! and ride the roller coaster on the top of the Statosphere Hotel!
and btw, I have one of these... but never used it. so now i will try to update.
Miss You!
this looks like it will be cozy! i love the color!
advice for vegas, stay for no more than 3 days.
you are for sure going to be hungover for 3 days after you leave...
also, don't wear a watch. you can never tell what time it is when you;re in the casinos or bars because there are little to no windows so you can get caught up in drinking until 9am SUPER easily.
go to the double down saloon - thats where i had the party after i got married. its dirty, its dingy but its great.
That sweaterdress sounds and looks awesome--very Rodarte. Have fun in Vegas. I've never been either, so you'll have to write all about it when you get back!
hey andrea!! i'm glad your not mad about me using all your photos in my blog...heehee. I'm not sure which dresses your talking about, is it the overall dresses w/ the zipper in the middle? I would love to trade! I have some left actually, I have to check. I think I have a dark purple stripe w/lavender zipper and gold/black stripe w/red zipper...
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