27 October 2008

Emily of Inside A Black Apple has posted a supercute Halloween card for you to print and use!

Today I had gluten-free gnocchi with a Sicilian sauce--tons of olives of all shades. I hadn't been able to find a suitable gnocchi for the past 2 years, ever since I've been on the Evil Allergy Diet!!

A sick boat I saw on the highway:

Is that a boat? It looks like part of a boat. Hmm.


SWANclothing said...

me too me too! no gluten for me. and i have plans to eat some gluten-free gnochi soon. did you make it or may i ask what brand it is :)

andrea said...

It's "Nuovo" brand, found in the Whole Foods in Winston-Salem, NC! It was as good as I remember; a real gnocchi recipe. How long have you been GF? I am mostly allergic to dairy, but I stay away from wheat as well. D; D; D; TEARS OF SADNESS